Your first test in Tang Soo Do will be for Orange Belt. The Orange Belt is the 9th Gup level. Tang Soo Do has 9 gup levels before reaching Black Belt. The Black Belt ranks are referred to as the Dan levels. As you progress through the gup levels you will begin with the 9th gup (actually 10th gup if you count your white belt) and work yourself to 1st gup. Once you make it to 1st gup the next step is 1st Dan (Chodan or First Degree Black Belt). Your can typically expect to test for your first belt after being in class for 3 months. This allows you enough time to learn the rules, procedures, and terminology as well as giving you enough time to learn and practice your techniques. It also allows your instructor to monitor your progress and evaluate your potential for advancement.
The following are your requirements for promotion to Orange Belt:
- BLOCKS: Low, High, Out-in, In-out (all in front stance)
- Chops (low, middle, high in back stance)
- KICKS: Front snap, Side Snap, Roundhouse (Front stance)
- ONE STEPS: Five one steps (Instructor may prescribe techniques)
- FORMS: Palgue Hyung 1
- SPARRING: At least 3 times, with grading based on Defense, Control, & Technique.