Well, the day finally arrived. We have been trying since Dec 5th to get Mrs. Sylvia and Miss Krishan promoted to their second dan (Ea Dan) in American Tang Soo Do.
Today it finally, happened, after a full morning of katas, takedowns, blocks, kicks, board breaking, kumite and private interviews I am proud to announce that these two ladies worked hard and earned their 2nd Dan. You can tell by their hair they worked hard. Their journals and daily notes were on point and fine examples for others to emulate. Their creative endeavors did not disappoint and made us happy.
Very proud of the folks that came out and supported the cause, big thanks to GrandMaster Tom Balmos and Master Ramirez for proctoring the test and preparing the room along with Sr. Master Dan Walthers controlling the room and Chodan Hanna as well.. We like always were treated like royalty. Be sure to congratulate these two the next time you see them. Thanks to my sister for the pictures, Miss Silvia.
GMT sends.