One-step sparring begins with both martial artists facing each other about 3 to 5 feet apart (depending on the size of the students) in a ready stance. One person will be the attacker and the other will be the defender. The attacker must always make certain that the defender is ready. The defender will indicate that he or she is ready by saying “chip.” The attacker must make sure that the attack is correct in both form and accuracy. He or she must ensure that the attack is directed at the intended target area (i.e., solar plexus). The attacker must also make sure that he or she does not change the attack or follow the defender’s motion. Upon completing the attack the attacker must remain in the proper stance without moving or flinching, unless the particular one-step technique dictates otherwise. Each partner should keep in mind that the practice of one-step techniques requires trust, and each should be extremely careful not to abuse that trust. On the instructor’s command the students will face the instructor, come to attention, and bow. The instructor will then give the command to face each other and bow. To ensure proper distance between the partners each should stretch their arms outward toward each other and touch their fists to each others. The distance is correct when the fists touch. After touching fists, return the hands to the ready position.
On the instructor’s command the attacker will move his right foot backward into a left front stance and position the left hand into a low block. The attacking student must wait for the defending student to give the signal that he is ready to defend against the attack. When the command is given, the attacking student steps forward into a right front stance and executes the attack. The attack might be a right middle punch, an overhead strike, a front snap kick, or some other technique. The defending student will execute a blocking technique and then follow up with an attack. Upon completion of the attack, both students will return to a ready stance. The attacker will then become the defender and the defender will become the attacker. Once each student has completed a defense/attack with the right, they will switch and do an attack/defense with the left. Both will continue to switch back and forth between right and left attacks and defenses until the instructor gives the command to stop.
The following one steps are required to promote from 10th gup to 9th gup, (White Belt to Orange Belt).
- The attacker executes a right middle punch in a front stance. The defender will step forward with the left leg and execute a left in-out block followed by three punches either in the same place or going up or down the body. Kia can be done on each move or at the end of the one-step.
- The attacker executes a left middle punch in a front stance. The defender will step to the left with feet together then execute a front snap kick with the right leg. Kia on snap kick
- The attacker executes a right middle punch in a front stance. The defender will step forward into a left back stance and execute a left middle chops followed by a right ridge hand. Kia on ridge hand.
- The attacker executes a left middle punch in a front stance. The defender will step to the right and then execute a left side kick to the ribs. Kia on side kick
- The attacker executes a right middle punch in a front stance. The defender will step forward with the left leg and execute a left in-out block followed by a palm strike with the right hand to the nose. Kia on palm strike.